【国内発送のみ】JAPAN Team Tシャツ(黒×赤)※7月15日締め切り
¥3,500 tax included
Shipping fee is not included. More information.
国際大会 JAPAN team Tシャツ(黒×赤)
サイズ 120~LL
Shipping method / fee
Payment method
Credit Card
Amazon Pay
Make a payment using the credit card information or Amazon gift card registered in your Amazon account.
Convenience Store Payment/Pay-easy
Customers who have ordered by convenience store payment/Pay-easy payment will receive the receipt number, biller ID and confirmation number by e-mail. Payment fees (300 yen) will be charged to customers.
Post pay fees : ¥360
Bank Transfer
Payment detail (bank account) will be sent by an e-mail.
When paying by bank transfer, the buyer will be responsible for bank transfer fees.
Post pay fees : ¥360
You can pay together with your mobile docomo's phone charges or from your d-Barai balance. Also, you can earn and use d-points.
Post pay fees : ¥300
au Kantan Kessai (Easy Payment)
au/UQ mobileの月々の通信料金と合算してお支払いいただけます。詳しくはこちらをご覧ください。
Post pay fees : ¥300
Softbank Matomete Shiharai / Ymobile Matomete Shiharai
It is able to pay for goods and services purchased via smartphone or PC together with monthly phone bill of Softbank.
Post pay fees : ¥300
With just an ID and password, you can easily and securely pay with a credit card. New registration is free. There is no transfer fee even when paying from a bank account. Click here for more information about PayPal.
The shipping fee for this item varies by the shipping method.
Shipping fees vary by region and size.
Area/Size B4 80サイズ A3 100サイズ A4 100サイズ レターパック Uniform rate for area ¥1,710
Area/Size B4 80サイズ A3 100サイズ A4 100サイズ レターパック Uniform rate for area ¥1,200
Area/Size B4 80サイズ A3 100サイズ A4 100サイズ レターパック Uniform rate for area ¥1,200
Area/Size B4 80サイズ A3 100サイズ A4 100サイズ レターパック Uniform rate for area ¥1,200
Area/Size B4 80サイズ A3 100サイズ A4 100サイズ レターパック Uniform rate for area ¥1,200
Area/Size B4 80サイズ A3 100サイズ A4 100サイズ レターパック Uniform rate for area ¥1,200
Area/Size B4 80サイズ A3 100サイズ A4 100サイズ レターパック Uniform rate for area ¥1,310
Area/Size B4 80サイズ A3 100サイズ A4 100サイズ レターパック Uniform rate for area ¥1,440
Area/Size B4 80サイズ A3 100サイズ A4 100サイズ レターパック Uniform rate for area ¥1,440
Area/Size B4 80サイズ A3 100サイズ A4 100サイズ レターパック Uniform rate for area ¥1,710
Area/Size B4 80サイズ A3 100サイズ A4 100サイズ レターパック Uniform rate for area ¥1,810
¥3,500 tax included